
Its complicated!

This small incident makes much more sense to me now and not five years back when it happened. Thus I have an urge to share it. This happened in the coaching centre where I used to work as a chemistry teacher. Students who attended my class were teenegers.  Was I a good teacher? I really…

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A book to remember

A book to  remember I just can’t stop telling you people that I love love love train travelling in india. Now here is the Mumbai local train where a real struggle is to get inside the local train. I am talking about travelling by railway which runs between the states of india. Train journey calls…

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Peace of Mind

Peace of mind I left home, with a hope, Day will pass well, I will have a  peace of mind I get inside the bus, Take a window seat, Looking scenery out there, I will have peace of mind. No deadlines at office, Getting appreciation from boss, Feeling satisfactory, I will have peace of mind…

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An unarranged marriage

An Unarranged marriage We have surely heard about arranged marriage and love marriage in India where parents and other family member choose a partner for a girl or boy if it’s an arranged marriage set up, in love marriage, generally girl and boy fall in love and later decide to marry.  If we talk about…

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I am remedy!

I am remedy! I have devil within me to fight, I will tackle problems and decide wrong or right, I am cause and solution to every mess, I will checkmate worries like game of chess, It’s difficult to know me completely, as i have learnt to hide pain and smile sweetly, I am my own…

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So, what label you had in school ?

Every classroom has “clown”, “bully”, “geek”, “scholar”, “good for nothing” and the list of such adjectives goes on..   I would like to narrate one incident between two girls who meet at reunion of school, Ruchita and Payal were classmates in school and the conversation begins as follows:   Ruchita: Hey fatso! (Payal)  what are…

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